Children's Chapel
Twice a month our preschool classes and elementary school agers enjoy a fun-filled chapel time with New Life’s children’s pastor.
Dining Room
We have a spacious cafeteria where the children can enjoy their breakfast, lunch, and snack time.
Our full-size gym is a great place to have recess when the weather is too hot or too cold.
Kiddie Playground
The Kiddie Playground has a rubberized surface with slides and climbers designed to provide safe fun for children ages two to four.
Large Playground
We have a large playground area for our children ages four and up that provides lots of room for running and climbing.
Sonshine World Daycare features a nursery room.
Sonshine World Building
Sonshine World is located in the New Life Assembly of God Church on west 39th Street. The entrance to our center is just east of the church’s main doors.
Toddler Playground
Our Toddler Playground provides a safe rubber surface for crawlers and walkers to explore the out-of-doors.